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“'Code Work: Thinking with the System in México.” American Anthropologist.
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"Hacking Difference: Coding Expertise from the South.” Forthcoming in Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, and Technoscience.
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Interview with Data and Society Research Institute for #unsettle: Strategies for Decolonizing Tech Research post, December 9, 2019.
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Interview with Rihan Yeh on her book Passing for CaMP Anthropology.
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“Staging the Hackathon: Codeworlds and Code Work in Mexico.” Institute for the Study of Societal Issues. U.C. Berkeley.
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“Proficiency: Provocation.” Correspondences, Cultural Anthropology website, June 12, 2017.
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“Latina/os and Tech: Toward a Holistic Approach for Diversifying Silicon Valley.” Center for Latino Policy Research, Latina/os and Tech Initiative Policy Brief. U.C. Berkeley
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“The Right to El Mall.” Book review of: Dávila, Arlene. 2016. El Mall: The Spatial and Class Politics of Shopping Malls in Latin America. In Anthropology Now Volume 9(2): 121-125.
In Preparation
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"Prototyping Latinidad.” Article about IT prototyping and transnational constructions of Latinidad.